Saturday, 1 October 2011

Summary of initial target audience research using the Social Media.

I have received my sets of answers from my participants, this has helped me gain an overall idea of what my target audience wants and expects from a rock / alternative music video, along with other views surrounding the music video industry.
Although I originally sent the questions out to 30 people, I only received 20 sets of answers back. I feel that this was due to Facebook not having an option where a multi question / answer poll could be made, and instead participants had to read and choose a statement from my list.

I have gathered my results and have created a graph for every single question to demonstrate the difference in results chosen and to show which answers were the most popular.

Question 1:
These results show that the use of instruments in a rock genre music video is the most expected, and this is significantly favoured over any of the other options.

Question 2;
This graph demonstrates that performance is the most favoured style of music video, relating to the use of instruments favoured in the question above. Narrative shortly follows the performance style, showing that they're almost 'even' and that one isn't significantly preffered, as some people like to witness musical skill and others prefer to witness the unfolding of a narrative.

 Question 3;

This graph suggests that detailed artwork is the most expected as an album cover, as this is often used in heavy metal album covers, or dark colours with the artist featured. Both of these options are popular to the industry, only 1 person chose the bright colours, which is usually against the codes and conventions of the rock genre, which tend to be more darker colours.

Question 4;
It is obvious here that the Internet is the most popular way of viewing music videos for my target audience of 13-20 year olds as 13/20 people chose it, the other option chosen was TV which is where music videos first aired and made their claim to fame, nobody chose the latest techological option of using a mobile phone or games console.

Question 5;
9/20 people chose that the urban inner city is the most expected setting for a rock genre music video, possibly because this setting relates to some themes in rock music, such as the way society acts, which links to the music video that I will make this year. 7/20 people chose a studio as a likely setting as studios are mostly known for being where music is recorded and often music videos are filmed in them too to give them a professional performance.

Question 6; This was obviously an open question in which the participant could list their favourite rock music video and why, obviously there are too many to make into a graph, but a reoccuring theme in the answers was that many videos that featured performance combined with narrative were popular, as one participant said 'The movement of the band and their instrument use relates to the pace of the song and the narrative' showing that it's preffered when the performance ties in with the narrative to create an overall image.

Question 7:
Nirvana was the most popular choice out of the possible band options, which is strange because the other bands are considered more modern and surely should be more appealing to the teenage generation of today. I will look at why generations after Nirvana's fame still appreciate their music in another blog entry. It's also shown that bands that receive a lot of media attention are popular, for example, Nirvana are popular for their fame and breaking the mould of their music genre and Paramore are famous for being a modern successful rock band with a female lead singer who strives to be different to other male dominated bands.

Question 8;
I asked this question as the reviewing Jay Z's 99 Problems question spured some curiousity, I was wondering if our teenage generation would consider anything inappropriate in a music video; I was shocked by the results. 14/20 people said they'd find nothing inappropriate, which is very different from the early days of MTV where they were strictly against violence and crime, but with video games and music videos glamourising things like gun crime and gangs, teenagers are constantly exposed to the material, so they're de-sensitized to it.

Question 9;
There is a significant difference in the answers here, the majority of participants said that they thought music videos were important in the music industry. There may be many explainations for this, firstly promos help to promote the bands and give a chance for those who can't get to the live shows, to see what the band is like, they can also be teasers for new albums that give fans something to look forward to and they can also help create an overall picture, sometimes music videos help to bring the narrative alive, or even help it make sense in some cases!

Question 10;
12/20 participants chose that the magazine article should have the same style as the music video itself, keeping with the same colour themes, the same font etc. This is so the article can relate to the music video and give readers an idea of what the music video is like if the article is in the same style. 6/20 people chose that the article could feature pictures from the video itself, to give the readers a preview of what is featured in the video, the participants felt that just a poster of the band with the song title was too plain and didn't give them any idea of what the song or video would be like.

Question 11;

Finally I wanted to know what the audience though a rock band / artist should look like, and the majority 15/20 people chose that the band should be in casual clothing, and shouldn't detract from the music; they felt that grungy and unkepy was specific to the grunge genre and not overall rock, but felt that some rock bands do dress in suits for their videos such as Green Day, because thats their unique style.

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